The many faces and impact of technology usage on students’ achievement
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We are living in the age of distraction. People check their smartphones an average 85 times a day, nearly half of 15-year-old students leave their notifications on while studying, and 40% do not turn them off even at night. Two-thirds of students have had their attention diverted by their own or someone else’s phone during class. However, the well-structured, educational use of technology holds significant potential and can be an effective tool for teachers in delivering more personalized learning. These two different uses of technology must be clearly distinguished and separated. The purpose of the present analyses is to demonstrate, across a broad age range, the everyday mobile usage habits of students, their correlation with, and impact on, the development of cognitive abilities relevant to learning (such as inductive reasoning, problem-solving skills, the effectiveness of knowledge acquisition and application, visual memory, logical thinking, and the efficiency of online information retrieval). The analysis includes cognitive test results and responses of 24,861 students from grades 1 to 11 and 4,990 first-year students recently admitted to one of the leading universities of Hungary. Based on the results, the students’ preferred technological device is the mobile phone, with Messenger and TikTok being the most frequently used apps, regardless of age, while educational applications (e.g., Classroom) are the least used. General usage of the device for 1-2 hours a day has a positive impact, but excessive use has a clearly negative effect on the development of their cognitive abilities. Even small amounts of usage of non-educational apps (such as TikTok) already have a significantly negative impact on the development of students’ cognitive skills and abilities. However, it is important to emphasize that it is not technology itself, but its use—specifically, irresponsible use—that is problematic. The educational application of technology, when combined with appropriate methodology, is a valuable supplement to education and has a clearly positive impact on students’ development and learning success.
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Funding data
Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Grant numbers K135727 -
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia
Grant numbers KOZOKT2021-16
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