The Hungarian adaptation of the Academic Resilience Scale among primary- and high school students

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Kitti Kóródi
Éva Szabó
Balázs Jagodics


Academic resilience is an important personal resource, which is related to both student well-being and academic performance. The goal of our study was to create the Hungarian version of a scale which is capable of exploring the factors of academic resilience in the context of individual reactions to failures in school. 526 primary and secondary school students participated in the survey study. The Academic Resilience Scale (ARS-30, Cassidy, 2016) was used beside demographic questions. The confirmatory factor analysis using second-order factor structure identified the original three-factor structure after dropping one item. The subscales (perseverance, adaptive help-seeking and lack of negative emotional response) have good internal reliability. Correlation analysis revealed that the subscales have a weak negative relationship with age, and they are linked positively to academic performance and self-efficacy. The analysis revealed no significant gender differences. Based on the results the Academic Resilience Scale has stable structure and may be a useful research tool for investigating resilience in school and developing students.


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How to Cite
Kóródi, K., Szabó, Éva, & Jagodics, B. (2022). The Hungarian adaptation of the Academic Resilience Scale among primary- and high school students. Iskolakultúra, 32(5), 46–56.
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