Measuring the data literacy of student teachers

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Edmond Sebestyén
Edit Tóth


The systematic collection, analysis, interpretation and application of pedagogical information to improve the teaching-learning process has been receiving increasing attention in educational research. Providing teachers with the base for complex use of data begins in teacher education. In our research, we investigate the sense of efficacy and anxiety students in teacher education (N=221) about data use - access, analysis, interpretation and application – among students in teacher education (N=221) using the Data-Driven Decision-Making Efficacy and Anxiety Inventory (Dunn et al., 2013) questionnaire. We also examine the relationship between acquired knowledge in data use and sense of efficacy and anxiety. Our results show that students feel least effective in data processing, but are also more uncertain about interpretation than about the application of results. Their sense of anxiety about data use is low. No difference can be detected in sense of efficacy and anxiety about data use based on time spent in teacher training. However, attitudes towards data use are influenced by the course(s) the student has attended to support their proficiency in data use. Thus, the acquired knowledge during training is likely to increase students’ sense of efficacy and reduce their anxiety about using data.


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Sebestyén, E., & Tóth, E. (2022). Measuring the data literacy of student teachers. Iskolakultúra, 32(12), 3–21.

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