Role of communication in coping, social problem solving and assertiveness in developing teenagers

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Anett Balogh-Pécsi
László Kasik


One of the most important tasks of school education is the planned, conscious development of the components of social competence - among other things - in order for students to be able to adapt to their ever-changing environment, integrate into peer communities, communicate effectively, be effective problem- and conflict managers, and be able to apply coping strategies in difficult, stressful situations (Kasik, 2015; Mészáros, 2019; Szabó & Fügedi, 2015; Zsolnai, 2013). Although more and more programs are being developed in Hungary to develop social competence within schools, their number is very small compared to international programs. Based on data from international research, programs that target the development of multiple and closely related areas with a variety of methods that take maximum account of biological, cognitive, social, and emotional characteristics of age are the most effective (Kasik, 2015). Many programs focus on communication, to which other areas are linked. The acquisition and practice of communication techniques significantly helps the effective acquisition and application of various problem- and conflict management and coping strategies. The study describes the definitions and models of social competence that most often form the basis of social competence development, outlines the main features of social problem solving, coping and assertiveness, and finally reviews adolescent development opportunities and key communication-focused development programs.


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How to Cite
Balogh-Pécsi, A., & Kasik, L. (2021). Role of communication in coping, social problem solving and assertiveness in developing teenagers. Iskolakultúra, 31(7-8), 118–131. Retrieved from