Is digital education sustainable in the shadow of climate change?

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Attila Rausch


Digital education is now a fundamental part of our daily lives, with the acquisition of information, communication and collaboration with peers, educators, and content creation being predominantly mediated through digital technological tools during the teaching and learning process. Recently, the focus has shifted towards the impact of artificial intelligence on education. However, there is little attention to the environmental impact of such accelerated technological development and how such a degree of digital transformation in education can be sustainable. In this study, I review the environmental impacts of digital tools and services used in education and present ways to mitigate these impacts, aiming to encourage users to take steps towards the sustainability of digital education. The development of digital competence and education plays a key role in the sustainable digital transformation in education, and it is crucial to emphasize the importance of fostering conscious and environmentally friendly technology use in education.


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Rausch, A. (2024). Is digital education sustainable in the shadow of climate change?. Iskolakultúra, 34(5), 15–24.
Tematikus blokk: Klímaválság és oktatás


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