Resilience in the Hungarian educational science discourse Research history in a statistical approach

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Tünde Szirtes-Tankó


Resilience in educational science is a relatively new topic on the international level. Research in Hungary has an even shorter history. The first publication goes back to 2012, and the first and so far only research review was written in 2016. The aim of our recent statistical analysis is to collect all records published in education sciences between 2012 and 2022 from publicly available Hungarian databases and library catalogues. And furthermore, to create an overall picture of the main trends – by whom, when, in what form they were written, where they were published, with what method and who they examined. We managed to identify a total of 109 relevant publications in Hungarian. We focused on formal and some basic content features by examining the keywords of the titles and the abstracts. A more detailed content analysis is planned in the near future. Based on our results, a typical Hungarian publication dealing with resilience was most likely published in the second half of the last decade, written by a novice researcher, rather shorth (article or book chapter), and concentrated on the higher education sector, primarily on disadvantaged university students. We recommend our study to those who are also interested in further statistical details concerning the formal characteristics. Based on the content analysis, further empirical studies would be particularly useful among teachers, elementary school students and school organizations in the context of resilience.


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How to Cite
Szirtes-Tankó, T. (2023). Resilience in the Hungarian educational science discourse: Research history in a statistical approach. Iskolakultúra, 33(10), 56–75.


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