The Hungarian adaptation of a questionnaire on epistemological beliefs about history

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Maja Kósa


The aim of the research is to adapt the questionnaire developed by Stoel and his colleagues (2017) that measures epistemological beliefs about history. In the context of history teaching, the interpretative nature of the discipline has become increasingly important in recent years, as it is emphasized in the Hungarian National Core Curriculum of 2020, too. So, epistemological beliefs (theories about the historical knowledge and knowing) have a high relevance because they influence what conclusions we draw from past events (van Boxtel & van Drie, 2018). A questionnaire previously used in the Netherlands was completed by 510 grade 11 and 12 Hungarian grammar school students (Mage=17.59, SD=0.82) on paper. The instrument contained 26 closed-ended, abstract statements, which had to be evaluated on a six-point Likert scale. Exploratory factor analysis showed that there is a fundamental distinction between naive and nuanced statements. In addition to this, in line with the original Dutch research, exploratory factor analysis confirmed the existence of three scales in the Hungarian sample as well. Based on the informal feedbacks from teachers and students, the topic and instrument are novel and interesting. It can be said that the questionnaire can be applied in the Hungarian context primarily due to the abstract, topic-independent nature of its statements.


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Kósa, M. (2020). The Hungarian adaptation of a questionnaire on epistemological beliefs about history. Iskolakultúra, 30(6), 97–109. Retrieved from


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