The importance of regular physical activity in the school setting

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Gabriella Pósa


In this study, we would like to provide a brief overview of the importance of regular physical exercise, whether as a preventive or curative intervention in the school setting. Within these walls, both the adult and student populations are present, including several generations, thus giving a very diverse picture of how they are affected by the physical, mental, social, environmental and societal influences. The focus is on the primary prevention and treatment of chronic, non-infectious diseases (mental disease, cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal disorders and cancer). Musculoskeletal diseases are one of the most common problems among the working population and among students. These have an impact on our everyday life and quality of life. Generally, more than one body part or organ or organ system is affected, and multiple factors play a role in their development at the same time, so the approach must be holistic and as comprehensive as reasonably practicable (Erick, 2022).


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Pósa, G. (2023). The importance of regular physical activity in the school setting. Iskolakultúra, 33(1-2), 134–143.

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