Health behaviour during pregnancy in national and international comparison educational opportunities in the field of health education

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Zita Kocsis-Fuszkó


It is common among pregnant women to be more motivated to change their lifestyle during pregnancy, and to pay more attention to healthy nutrition and proper physical exercise. That is why it is worth paying more attention during this period to education related to lifestyle changes and to the organization of various prevention programs, since the women in this group are more open to health-related information. By health behaviour we mean all behaviours that are aimed at influencing health, such as healthy nutrition, physical exercise, taking vitamins, as well as health-damaging behaviours like smoking or alcohol consumption. In this study, we present the similarities and differences related to health behaviour measured in national and international samples. The comparison revealed that a certain proportion of Hungarian women did not consider healthy nutrition important before pregnancy, but this changed during pregnancy, while in England most of the respondents pay attention to healthy nutrition even before pregnancy. In Hungary, the proportion of expectant mothers taking vitamins is higher than in foreign countries. In terms of physical exercise, less than half of Hungarian women do at least 150 minutes of physical exercise a week, while a higher proportion of foreign women were physically active. The percentage of smokers is similar, but the percentage of those who drink alcohol is much higher in the Hungarian sample.


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Kocsis-Fuszkó, Z. (2023). Health behaviour during pregnancy in national and international comparison: educational opportunities in the field of health education. Iskolakultúra, 33(1-2), 160–166.

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