Reflections on the history of health education in schools

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Attila Nóbik


In modern societies, school systems perform many non-instructional tasks, including health education and health promotion. The aim of this study is to present features that have played a role in the development and establishment of health education in schools. The study argues that the emergence of health education in schools is closely tied with the emergence of modern societies and some of their basic phenomena. Therefore, in the first part of the paper, we present some of the features of the modernization. The increased social and governmental demand for control of the human body and mind became one of the most important consequences of modernization. Modern societies aim at defining normality and making normal bodily and mental functioning general and repressing abnormality. The social discourse on the body and the mind, which is described in the literature as ‘hygiene discourse’, has increasingly been conducted in medical language. Handling social issues as medical problems – medicalization – is a fundamental phenomenon of modern societies. In the final part of our study, we describe the process by which modern mass education systems and pedagogy have become a key tool for solving social problems. Pedagogization explains the reasons why the discourse of hygiene emerged in the school context. In our opinion, health education in schools can be understood as a discourse that has medical language and takes place in schools.


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Nóbik, A. (2023). Reflections on the history of health education in schools. Iskolakultúra, 33(1-2), 144–159.

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