Using digital self-correcting homework tasks in the EFL classroom A case study in the Hungarian university educational context

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Imre Fekete


One of the most prominent questions in education after the school closures during the Covid-19 pandemic is how to incorporate and ensure the presence of digital technologies in face-to-face education. There seems to be an agreement between scholars that learners are excellent users of technological tools regarding their entertainment potential, but they need instruction on how to use tools as autonomous learning aids. This case study aimed to explore how a set of digital, self-correcting homework tasks (N = 10) could aid learners in their studies as part of a first-year applied English grammar course at an English Studies programme of a Hungarian university. Another aim was to find out what potentials lie for the instructor in monitoring the effort students put into their out-of-class learning. The study used two data collecting tools, an end-of-course questionnaire with learners (N = 52) and the metadata of the ten digital task sheets downloaded from Google Forms. The results prove that learners mostly welcomed the immediate feedback and the straightforward nature of homework qualities of the tasks, but the results also show that first-year university groups can be quite heterogeneous as far as learners’ proficiency is concerned. Analysis of the metadata shows that the digital tasks engaged learners for approx. 50 minutes every week, which means that the difficulty of the tasks was balanced. Implications of this study might inspire instructors to try out such digital self-correcting tasks as part of their courses, which could also contribute to developing and updating the tasks over the course of time based on meta-analysis.


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Fekete, I. (2022). Using digital self-correcting homework tasks in the EFL classroom: A case study in the Hungarian university educational context. Iskolakultúra, 32(8-9), 86–103. Retrieved from


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