Interviewing history teachers on history and teaching history A pilot study

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Maja Kósa


The aim of the pilot study is to get useful information in order to establish future research on epistemological beliefs about history. In the last few decades, there has been a growing interest in the methodological renewal of history teaching both in Hungary and internationally, curricula and textbooks promote using new approaches. In order for these innovations to be reflected in classroom practice, history teachers play a key role. Maggioni (2010) found that the epistemic positions of history teachers have impact on their goals and thus on the pedagogical practice they follow. Using the research of Voet and De Wever (2016) as a guideline, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 9 practicing history teachers. The results have not only provided insights into the epistemological beliefs of history teachers, but also made it possible to draw conclusions regarding the future large-scale research. Such factors are the abstractness and novelty of the topic in relation to the teaching of history in Hungary, which also drew attention to terminological awareness and consistency.


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Kósa, M. (2021). Interviewing history teachers on history and teaching history: A pilot study. Iskolakultúra, 31(11-12), 16–27.
Tematikus blokk: Elbeszélt történelem a történelemoktatásban


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