Education platform – platform education: the challenges and opportunities of digital education in the pandemic situation

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Zoltán Dragon


Due to the corona virus pandemic, the Hungarian education system switched to digital solutions overnight in the spring of 2020. The change caught all segments of education off guard as no one had a digital system at their disposal that could prove satisfactory in every respect. While no significant developments have gone underway ever since, this study argues that digital computation as such was born on the principle of education in the mid-20th century, and was being developed afterwards. This contemporary challenge can therefore be conceived as an opportunity to rethink questions of education technology and methodology with regards to platform technology, utilizing the experience gained from new media technologies and already existing platforms in the new millennium.


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How to Cite
Dragon, Z. (2021). Education platform – platform education: the challenges and opportunities of digital education in the pandemic situation. Iskolakultúra, 31(6), 50–61. Retrieved from