Opportunities for developing personality through sport

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Péterné Blatt


ne of the purposes of modern time education is the developing personality. This development is essentially the reinforcement of different personality traits and forming the traits into habits. This is the base for devel-oping other abilities. The spreading of the technological advancements leads to rising living standard. At the same time, they also make life more comfortable, which may bring about unfavourable forming of personality. These negative influences can also be balanced by doing sports. “All types and aims of sport have personality developmental effect, it can be a direct tool for conscious personality development (Biróné, 1983. 62).” There are several educational possibilities in the Physical Education (P. E.) lesson due to its special environment and curriculum. The P.E. teachers, who have a significant role in forming pupils’ attitude in the educational process, have the task to exploit these possibilities (Buda, 1988). In order for teachers to be effective in this task, it is necessary for them to know the person including his/her individual characteristics. Teachers, who have conscious and spontaneous educational influence, have an important role in personality development. By reviewing the pertinent literature and comparing research done in this field {Nagykáldi (1998), Csepela (2000), H. Ekler and Rétsági (2006), Pikó and Keresztes (2007)}, the present study aims to discover what personality characteristics can be effectively developed by doing sports.


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How to Cite
Blatt, P. (2021). Opportunities for developing personality through sport. Iskolakultúra, 31(09), 81–90. Retrieved from https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/iskolakultura/article/view/34270