Third blow Fluctuations in higher education enrolment – with other words, lack of social awareness of education policy

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Istcván Polónyi


The paper presents the tendencies of enrolment in higher education in Hungary and some of its correlations, related to enrolment in 2020, which many consider surprising. The study first analyzes the reasons for the radical decline in enrolment in the 2020 general recruitment process - and examines the resulting decline in the number of higher education entrants. The analysis points out that the downturn is essentially a consequence of the fact that high level maturity exams have been made mandatory. It examines the impact of the downturn on specializations and institutions, revealing that it is rural institutions that suffer the most, and with it the lower strata of society. The study also analyzes why there was a decline in the number of higher education applicants in 2008 and 2013. The paper shows that the former was due to an attempt to introduce tuition fees, and the decrease in 2013 is also a consequence of the planned change in higher education cost sharing. Finally, the paper points out that the decline in enrolment and entry into higher education in 2013 and 2020 is a consequence of the conscious higher education policy of a conservative government implementing a “work-based state”


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How to Cite
Polónyi, I. (2020). Third blow: Fluctuations in higher education enrolment – with other words, lack of social awareness of education policy . Iskolakultúra, 30(10), 25–37.


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