Digital pedagogy methodologies and methods in VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) world
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In this study, the author presents the innovative methods based on online communication and digital platforms, which have not only reached the peak of their productivity but have become common in both international and Hungarian educational practices. These methods are flipped classroom, blended learning, gamification, digital storytelling, microcontent, e-learning, MOOC. The aim of the study is to show that under the umbrella of digital pedagogy, there are numerous and often ambiguous approaches. For example, some methods can be easily incorporated into public education, such as gamification, which can become a playful form of classroom assessment, or digital storytelling as group work or student project, which can be accomplished by placing it into an interactive online environment. The application of e-learning is limited by the curriculum, which clearly states the teachers’ and the school materials’ role during teaching. Also, the curriculum is not flexible enough to deal with the changing role of teachers. In this paper, the methods presented are also examined based on the possibilities of augmenting the classroom and the role of the teacher. The listing of methods starts with the ones for which presence in the classroom is needed, and closes with the ones where the classroom is entirely placed into virtual environment.
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