Character strengths at school Definitions, attributes and interventions

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Szilvia Fodor
Adrienn Molnár


The concept of character strengths and the VIA system of strengths (Peterson, Seligman, 2004) are central ideas of positive psychology. These personal attributes and strengths are in the focus of numerous research and interventions, with a robust knowledge about their function and impact (Peterson, Park, Seligman, 2006; Vela et al., 2016). In spite of this robust knowledge, the development of character strengths is not widespread and systematic at schools. In this article we aim to introduce the concept and the functions of character strengths, the general attributes of psychological processes in connection with strengths and interventions for their development.
Furthermore a detailed account is given of school-based interventions for improving strengths in light of positive psychology, which can provide scientific foundations for strength-oriented institutional culture and teaching and learning. Finally some strength-focused short practices are introduced (eg. strength spotting, 360 degree evaluation, strength observation), which help to learn about and encourage to try simple and short, easily manageable strength-focused school-interventions.


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How to Cite
Fodor, S., & Molnár, A. (2020). Character strengths at school: Definitions, attributes and interventions. Iskolakultúra, 30(4-5), 20–39.


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