The history of music therapy and its pedagogical aspects

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Magdolna Szabadi


The present study examines the historical milestones of music therapy and its pedagogical appearance. To this end, it presents the multidimensional nature of the use of music throughout historical periods. Although the origins and practical appearance of music therapy are of the same age as human kind, it has been emphasized in different ways in certain areas (medicine, education, social and spiritual care). Then in addition to the model with the social aspects known through the advent of science, the paradigm shift of the past decade has also highlighted the neurological model of music therapy. Despite of this, music therapy has continued to be complementary, thus music therapy is a tool in the applied methods of helping workshops. In the following, based on the work of various organizations, magazines and music therapist ancestors, the study presents the milestones of the science of music therapy. In this process, it can be seen that research workshops are organized around prominent members of the helping profession. The work teams carried out an increasing amount of quality research and practical work, leading to the launch of international conferences, congresses, journals and trainings. Apart from the international setting, the study also looks at the emergence of music therapy in Hungary. It gives examples of where and when music therapy had begun. It describes music therapy studies in the field of domestic medicine, psychiatry and education. Additionally it demonstrates where, when and for what purpose music therapy organizations and societies have been established. The study concludes with a presentation of the characteristics of Hungarian training courses and the publication opportunities of today's music therapists.


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Szabadi, M. (2020). The history of music therapy and its pedagogical aspects. Iskolakultúra, 30(3), 85–95. Retrieved from


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