Hesitation Patterns and Pauses in Four Dialects of Spanish and in the Oral Production of Hungarian Learners of Spanish

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Dorottya Kovács


In this study, we analyze the different types of disfluency, that is, pauses and hesitation patterns in four dialects of Spanish (Madrilenian, Andalusian, Mexican, and Rioplatense) and in the oral production of B2 (CEFR) level Hungarian learners of Spanish. We investigate the phenomena in semi-spontaneous speech (interviews), with the help of the phonetic-acoustic software Praat: we calculate the total proportion of pauses and hesitation patterns in the speech of the informants and also the distribution of the different types of disfluency with respect to the total duration of pauses and hesitation phenomena. According to our results, the different types of disfluency together make up 15,26%-17,28% in the Spanish corpus, while this proportion is 33,46% in the speech of the Hungarian learners of Spanish. In addition, the results show that the silent pause is the most common type of disfluency in the speech of all of the informants (either native speakers of Spanish or Hungarian). The difference between the two groups can be highlighted based on the application of hesitation patterns: the use of the sound [e] is the most common phenomenon in all of the four analyzed dialects of Spanish, while the Hungarian learners of Spanish tend to use the sound [ø] the most frequently.


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How to Cite
Kovács, D. (2022). Hesitation Patterns and Pauses in Four Dialects of Spanish and in the Oral Production of Hungarian Learners of Spanish. Acta Hispanica, 27, 41–57. https://doi.org/10.14232/actahisp.2022.27.41-57
Linguistics/Spanish Language Teaching
Author Biography

Dorottya Kovács, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Dorottya Kovács se licenció en la formación continua de profesores (de lenguas inglesa y española) en la Universidad Eötvös Loránd de Budapest (2022). Empieza sus estudios de doctorado de Lingüística Intercultural en la misma universidad en 2022. Sus ámbitos de investigación son el español de los húngaros (interlengua), y los rasgos suprasegmentales del habla, como la velocidad de habla y de articulación.


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