Articulation Rate in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language

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Dorottya Kovács


In this paper, we analyze articulation rate in semi-spontaneous speech, that is, the velocity of the production of linguistic elements. We compare the mean rate of four dialects of Spanish (Northern Spanish, Southern Spanish, Mexican, Argentine-Uruguayan) so that we could get an answer to the question if native speakers of European Spanish speak faster than native speakers of American Spanish. Also, we investigate the articulation rate of intermediate level (B2) Hungarian students of Spanish to see if they speak more slowly than native Spanish speakers and if their communicative competences need development. Our results suggest that (i) there is no considerable difference among the four dialects of Spanish, but the Mexican Spanish seems to be the fastest dialect of the ones we analyzed; (ii) the articulation rate of the Hungarian students is significantly lower than the mean rate of all the analyzed dialects.


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How to Cite
Kovács, D. (2020). Articulation Rate in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. Acta Hispanica, 25, 87–99.
Author Biography

Dorottya Kovács, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Dorottya Kovács empezó sus estudios en la formación continua de profesores (de lenguas inglesa y española) en la Universidad Eötvös Loránd de Budapest en 2016. Sus temas de investigación son el español de los húngaros (interlengua), y los rasgos suprasegmentales del habla, como la velocidad de habla y de articulación. Participa en los proyectos del grupo de investigación TALES (Taller de Lingüística Española del Departamento de Filología Hispánica de la Universidad Eötvös Loránd) desde 2019. Actualmente realiza un proyecto de investigación en el marco de la velocidad de articulación y la contracción silábica en la enseñanza de ELE.  
Received 2020-11-10
Accepted 2020-11-26
Published 2020-12-19


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