Ideology of Sociopolitical and Academic Power in the Creation of the University and its Impact on Latin American Universities

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Amalfi Padilla Castilla
Ingrid del Carmen Blanco Hernández


It is pertinent to initiate this writing from the conceptualization and foundation of a work plan, of which the historical method, allowed the reflection analysis and conceptualization of development, in the creation and development of universities in the world. Starting with the concept of ideology, which represents the set of main ideas of the authors, which in the case mentioned, refers to the University as a collective entity, of social and geopolitical academic dynamics. From this instance, the University cannot study it without putting these processes in consensus, which boost their work and relevance in the territory in which their socio-academic, administrative and management processes are gestated with the geopolitical and power dynamics of the country.
      In the university it is not possible to historiograph its beginnings and developments without determining its academic, administrative and management processes as an institution of political power. The studium generates, as the university institution understood, was an organization that was governed by the principle of building knowledge and capturing knowledge that came from different cardinal points, ensuring the construction of knowledge from the determination of a way to configure a group of intellectuals who had the power of knowledge as a source of their social control. These powers produced tensions in the medieval European space, because by maintaining links with the reigning powers, the university was subsumed by its structure, in an entity that controlled the knowledge reproduction scenarios.
     Thus, the knowledge that was generated from the university was regulated by the papacy, an element that reveals the political character that the university has had since its conception. They willingly and rightly thought the papal and secular powers in the head of the emperor, that creating universities were a wedge and timbre of glory, prestige, power and half conducive to the formation of officials who once served monarchies and other forms of government . The numerical and geographical boom of university expansion is accentuated in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, (precisely in the fourteenth century due to disagreements by a group of professors at the University of Oxford, Cambridge is created). Subsequently, those of Padua, Naples, Toulouse, Prague, Vienna, Heilderberg and Cologne are created, which will be the only universities in the country. The first Scottish universities are born in this century. By the middle of the 15th century, universities had covered the countries of Latin culture. Generating not only by geographical location but the promotion of a policy of power and knowledge, which affect Latin America.


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How to Cite
Padilla Castilla, A., & Blanco Hernández, I. del C. (2020). Ideology of Sociopolitical and Academic Power in the Creation of the University and its Impact on Latin American Universities. Acta Hispanica, (II), 907–922.
Author Biographies

Amalfi Padilla Castilla, University of Cartagena

Docente Investigadora de planta Universidad de Cartagena,

Trabajadora social: Universidad de Cartagena. especialista teorías técnicas y métodos en investigación social, Universidad de Cartagena.

Especialista en educación, Universidad del Bosque,

Doctora en ciencias de la educación Universidad de Nariño. Postdoctorado gerencia y políticas públicas, Universidad de Zulia Venezuela

Ingrid del Carmen Blanco Hernández, University of Cartagena

Docente Investigadora de planta Universidad de Cartagena, Administradora de empresas Universidad de Cartagena. Especialista en educación Universidad del Bosque,

Magister en educación Universidad de Cartagena. Doctora en ciencias de la educación Universidad de Cartagena


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