Developing the motor skills of preschool children with movement games

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Péter Dorka


The preventive use of physical activity is one of the most important topics nowadays when teaching physical education. In the subject area and movement material of physical education and remedial physical education, the use of movement games (school and folk games), their ability-developing role, and their activities appear as an important and essential task.
I present the effectiveness, possibility and role of the topic in the title for the purpose of developing motor skills. I analyze the literature related to the topic and present some exemplary games suitable for the development of motor skills. Thus ensuring effective skill development in the field of motor skills. These games can be used in kindergarten exercise programs, physical therapy, and physical education.

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How to Cite
Dorka, P. (2022). Developing the motor skills of preschool children with movement games. Módszertani Közlemények, 62(3), 71–84.


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