Let's make teacher training practice-oriented again!

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József Sándor


Recent changes in financing and maintaining educational institutions have effected teacher training institutions as well. Somé of them even have lost their practice schools (demonstration schools] which worked in close cooperation with these training institu­tions providing venue and expertise forteaching practice. In the formulating new system - as early experiences show - teaching practice as part of the training has suffered serious losses. On the one hand, the time and the interval provided for teaching practice is diminished, on the other hand, the time provided for mentors for mentoring activities, is signifícantly less than it used to be. The establisment of the system described in this study would bring back that coopera­tion between the training institution and the practice school which had flourished previ-ously and had been acknowledged by both sides as a valuable part of the training. In addi-tion, it could be enriched and updated with contents focusing on activities carried out in classrooms and in learning communities. Moreover, teachers trained on the basis of this new concept are more likely to take root ín the teacher profession successfully.

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How to Cite
Sándor, J. (2017). Let’s make teacher training practice-oriented again!. Módszertani Közlemények, 57(4), 1–10. Retrieved from https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/modszertani-kozlemenyek/article/view/35472