Oktatási hálózatok a digitális korban
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School and teacher networks play a crucial role in educational innovation and the sharing of pedagogical knowledge, creating an ecosystem that fosters experimentation and the adaptation of new solutions tailored to local needs. The rapid advancement of information and communication technologies has had a particularly strong impact on network operations: digital platforms and collaboration tools now enable participants to connect with each other and access shared resources flexibly, beyond the limitations of traditional physical presence. Based on document analysis, secondary analysis, and interviews, this study examines the functioning of four networks—two international and two domestic—characterized by technological development.
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How to Cite
Muth-Fazekas, Ágnes, Fazekas, N., Kersánszki, T., & Tóth-Pjeczka, K. (2024). Oktatási hálózatok a digitális korban. Community Connections – Studies on Culture and Education, 4(2), 34–55. https://doi.org/10.14232/kapocs.2024.2.34-55