„Amikor az ember már madár” Életút- és tértapasztalat Weöres Sándor, Nemes Nagy Ágnes és Pilinszky János verseiben

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Mária Hernádi


In my study I examine the life legends in the poems of three poets of late modernity (Sándor Weöres, Ágnes Nemes Nagy, János Pilinszky). This genre attempts to portray the entire human life journey, metaphorising the successive stages of life as a temporal process with spaces.
In the first chapter I discuss the self as the starting point of the life course, in the second the motif of being on the road and wandering, in the third poetic reflections on the stages of life, the crossings of boundaries between them and the patterns of life that emerge from them, and in the fourth poems
on the process of ageing. 
The fifth and final chapter of my study focuses on Sándor Weöres's universally influential life allegory, the poem Via vitae. By interpreting this poem, and looking at the parallel poems of the other two authors (Ágnes Nemes Nagy: [Dark was and Tall]; János Pilinszky: The Labyrinth of the One), I seek to answer the question of whether the experience of shrinking and shrinking or of expansion and growth in the three poets' life experiences is more a determinant of the life path.
In my paper, I will examine the three authors' interpretations of the life path in a series of intersections, rather than in a comprehensive way.

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How to Cite
Hernádi, M. (2024). „Amikor az ember már madár”: Életút- és tértapasztalat Weöres Sándor, Nemes Nagy Ágnes és Pilinszky János verseiben. Community Connections – Studies on Culture and Education, 4(ksz), 72–98. https://doi.org/10.14232/kapocs.2024.ksz.72-98
Essays, papers
Author Biography

Mária Hernádi, Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, BTK, Vitéz János Tanárképző Központ, Óvó-és Tanítóképző Tanszék

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