- The role of person-centred adult learning in the age of continuous learning A historical review of the European Year of Skillsmagyar

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Balázs Németh


Our analytic paper will provide a reflective overview of an eight-decade-long process of Hungarian adult education and training to have been strongly connected to legitimation-actions upon democratisation, welfare orientations in generating employment and in formulating inclusive communities. However, we will also underline the importance of equal access and opportunities for adult learners having been based on second chance schooling, workplace and workbased education and trainings for adults with growing VET-focuses, but also to reflect the matter of democracy through political education in more and more deformed structures.

We are going to point out that already five decades ago accelerating crisis with social, economic and environmental consequences started to shift adult education and training to a reduced field of employment, labour markets to move nations states away from their "traditional responsibilities" in providing education for all. This shift can also be observed in Central-Eastern Europe afterr 1989–1990 period, namely, after the collapse of communism with slow, but sure realisation.

Our conclusion will relate this focus to the recent UNESCO CONFINTEA VII protocol and the Marrakech-framework for Action (2022), and to the New European Agenda on adult Learning (2021) so as to claim necessary developments in participation and performance in adult learning and education/VET for decent work, but also in active and democratic citizenship and critical thinking for inclusive and equitable communities.

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How to Cite
Németh, B. (2024). - The role of person-centred adult learning in the age of continuous learning: A historical review of the European Year of Skillsmagyar. Community Connections – Studies on Culture and Education, 4(1), 86–93. https://doi.org/10.14232/kapocs.2024.1.86-93