Culture, mediation, generations. Volunteering at the Móra Ferenc Museum

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Anikó Kovacs-Krassoi


In recent years, volunteering has become an increasingly widespread practice in Hungary and around the world. It is possible to go to the most different countries of the world for shorter or longer periods of time, to get involved in the everyday life of an organisation, institution or even a family. But you don't have to travel far to volunteer, you can join in the work of countless institutions, even in your own neighbourhood. In my study, I would like to present the various aspects of volunteer work and its legal background in Hungary by focusing on the volunteer training and programme of the Móra Ferenc Museum in Szeged.

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How to Cite
Kovacs-Krassoi, A. (2024). Culture, mediation, generations. Volunteering at the Móra Ferenc Museum. Community Connections – Studies on Culture and Education, 4(1), 124–133.
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