Knowledge of teacher students about gamification

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Anikó Andrea Bencéné dr. Fekete
Krisztina Dr. Bence-Kiss


Gamification is the use of game-based operating principles, game aesthetics and game design thinking to stimulate action, promote learning, and solve problems (Kapp et al., 2014). The aim of our research conducted in 2022 is to reveal what knowledge graduate teaching students (N=72) have about gamification. Our research questions focused on how effective it is considered to be, for which subjects and in which part of the lesson it would be used. In addition to descriptive statistics, we examined the correlation between the application of the method and gender, as well as the student's place of practice. The results showed that the methodology courses prepare the students for the use of gamification, and they would like to use it mainly in the context of science and mathematics lessons.


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How to Cite
Bencéné dr. Fekete, A. A., & Dr. Bence-Kiss, K. (2023). Knowledge of teacher students about gamification. Community Connections – Studies on Culture and Education, 3(1), 148–159.
Author Biography

Krisztina Dr. Bence-Kiss, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

egyetemi adjunktus / assistant professor Kaposvári Campus / Kaposvár Campus Agrárlogisztika, Kereskedelem és Marketing Tanszék / Department of Agricultural Logistics, Trade and Marketing Agrár- és Élelmiszergazdasági Intézet / Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem / Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences