Symbols and/or transitions in pedagogy

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Tímea Mária Hevesi


In the process of globalisation, building communities based on personal relationships is an increasing challenge for educators. Symbols can help in community building due to the process of symbolisation that permeates and connects human communities (Kapitány, Kapitány 2020). The symbol also marks a transition in which transformation takes place (Tánczos 2007), thus also facilitating the development of learners' skills (Kambouri, Pieridou 2016). The integration of archetypal symbols into pedagogical work has been proposed (Mayes 2020). The term symbolic pedagogy is used to describe the application of a pedagogical method based on analogical thinking and the use of archetypal symbols to experience archaic experiences (Hevesi 2019). In our research, we explore the potential of symbol pedagogy.

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How to Cite
Hevesi, T. M. (2021). Symbols and/or transitions in pedagogy. Community Connections – Studies on Culture and Education, 1(1-2), 31–40.
Author Biography

Tímea Mária Hevesi, Szegedi Tudományegyetem JGYPK művelődéstudományi Tanszék

SZTE JGYPK Szakképzési, Felnőttképzési és Tudásmenedzsment Intézetben dolgozik adjunktusként. Fő kutatási területe: a szimbólumok pedagógiai alkalmazása.