A fogyasztói magatartás és a vállalati szerepvállalás összefügései a termékcsomagolással, valamint az élelmiszerjelölésekkel

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Brigitta Zsótér
Cintia Borbíró


In this study, we intended to re-evaluate the findings of a previous thesis (Borbíró, 2017) based on the different aspect of corporate responsibility. The primary research was conducted by interviewers, it was carried out in paper format, using proportional and stratified sampling. The survey was filled out in 4 district capitals by 100 people in each. 243 females and 157 males filled out the survey in total. The findings were analysed with the PSPP statistical analysis program. The findings proved that LOHAS values are not included in the aspects of shopping and that young consumers focus on packaging and brand the most. Customers also find the product's origin and the producer important, and they will check information related to these aspects, when a new product is introduced. It can be established that the importance of charity, environmental protection, and a healthy lifestyle are not communicated adequately to consumers, for which marketing tools should be used, as trends shift towards these aspects. Value creation and establishing a unique corporate culture has become important in gaining a competitive advantage.


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How to Cite
Zsótér, Brigitta, and Cintia Borbíró. 2017. “A fogyasztói magatartás és a vállalati szerepvállalás összefügései a termékcsomagolással, Valamint Az élelmiszerjelölésekkel”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 12 (4):187-91. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2017.4.187-191.