On the assessment of drug therapy of ADHD of children amongst pedagogues

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Barbara Di Blasio
Ildikó Antalné Farkas


Our study concerns the assessment and efficiency of drug therapy of ADHD, its reception by pedagogues and parents, and the consistency of its diagnosis and treatment. Although identification, diagnosis, and proper treatment of behavioral disorders is a hot topic among kindergartners and pedagogues, our study reveals the urging lack of up-to-date special education content in teacher training in Hungary. A prominent behavioral disorder is the Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) of children, which is amongst the most disputed syndrome in public, and in the media alike, both in Hungary and worldwide. We conclude that judging the requisiteness of drug therapy of ADHD necessitates the tight collaboration of all related disciplines: besides medicine and psychology, ADHD and its effects for the individual and his/her surroundings have relevant aspects lying in Education Science, too. Our mixed-method research also reveals the following: the information exchange between experts and parents is inefficient, the knowledge of pedagogues needs a significant update by the latest research results, and there is an urging need for the establishment of a suitable related methodology.


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Di Blasio, B., & Antalné Farkas, I. (2020). On the assessment of drug therapy of ADHD of children amongst pedagogues. Iskolakultúra, 30(1-2), 89–115. Retrieved from https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/iskolakultura/article/view/32947


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