Basics of Climate Change Education from a Pedagogical Point of View

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Valéria Kelemen


Based on an international literature review, our study considers the pedagogical foundations of climate change education, with the aim to support the work of educational professionals dealing with this topic. After a brief description of the phenomenon and its effects, our paper discusses the need for climate change education. After that, it presents the specifics of the topic. One such feature is its interdisciplinary nature; the other is that it is related to the values of the individual. It is not only based on scientific foundations, but the individual’s approach to the problem also plays a significant role. Our paper also describes a holistic model of climate change education, the Bicycle model. This model was created to support the work of teachers, and it contains a description of topics needed to be taught to fully present the phenomenon of climate change. This is followed by possible strategies for teaching the subject. After describing the teacher’s role in teaching climate change, we study the unique role of climate change education in the case of disadvantaged groups. Possible reasons for the vulnerability of this target group to climate change include their low level of preparation, limited resources, lack of interest, and difficulties in dealing with climate anxiety.


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How to Cite
Kelemen, V. (2024). Basics of Climate Change Education from a Pedagogical Point of View. Iskolakultúra, 34(5), 3–14.
Tematikus blokk: Klímaválság és oktatás