Measurement and evaluation expected of teachers - in the light of a research

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Anikó Bánné Mészáros


Professional requirements towards teachers are described as teacher competencies, in which no. six elaborates educational assessment. Self-assessment in the educational institution, school inspection and certification process by external delegate were investigated regarding the fulfilling the requirements. Successful execution of the nine teacher competencies presents a variable challenge for each teacher. We researched how the teachers participating in the preparatory training for the professional examination at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Károli Gáspár Reformed University evaluate their own performances regarding competence 6: which requirements make them face difficulties and which do not. Content analysis of students’ essays was conducted on students’ essays. Our research is based on the content analysis of these essays. Competence 6th contains 10 indicators (subareas). We examined which indicators were mentioned; which were stated 100% achievable; and in what proportion indicators were considered easy or difficult to achieve by teachers in different areas of public education (kindergarten, primary- and secondary school). Kindergarten teachers mentioned 44% of the indicators, while primary- and secondary school teachers mentioned 52.5%. In all groups, the proportion of positive answers was very high, over 80%. The number of indicators that were considered successfully completed were seven among kindergarten teachers, four among lower-grade elementary teachers, and two among secondary school teachers. All indicators were mentioned to some extent, but indicators 6.1-4 and 6.8 were mentioned by less than half in all groups. It was found that teachers try to fulfil the requirements; the difficulties at different school levels are distinct; and declaration of professional difficulties is typically not followed by an action plan to improve.


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Bánné Mészáros, A. (2022). Measurement and evaluation expected of teachers: - in the light of a research. Iskolakultúra, 32(10), 77–88. Retrieved from