Promoting resilience and social-emotional learning in pre-school and primary school

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Zsófia Winkler
Anikó Zsolnai


In terms of the development and foundation of mental health, childhood and adolescence are crucial phases, as the individual’s personality undergoes development and change during these periods. Resilience and social and emotional skills contribute to mental health and well-being, so their development is essential during these life periods. Kindergartens and schools play an important role in promoting the social and emotional development and resilience of children and young people, as children spend a significant part of their time in these institutions. The RESCUR curriculum for preschool and primary school students, developed in Europe, aims to enrich children’s skills and abilities to overcome challenges, achieve academic success and social-emotional well-being. Meeting the needs of disadvantaged children and creating an inclusive environment free from social prejudice is a key element of the programme. The curriculum implements the development of competencies such as communication skills, establishing and maintaining healthy relationships, recognising and building on one’s own strengths, and overcoming challenges and obstacles. In countries that have implemented the curriculum, the results of impact evaluations show that the RESCUR programme has led to positive changes in resilience skills, engagement in learning, prosociality, self-awareness, communication skills, classroom climate, family atmosphere and parent-child relationships. In this paper, we review the theoretical framework and content of the RESCUR project, as well as the main findings of the curriculum evaluation studies.


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How to Cite
Winkler, Z., & Zsolnai, A. (2022). Promoting resilience and social-emotional learning in pre-school and primary school. Iskolakultúra, 32(8-9), 70–85. Retrieved from


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