The journal welcomes mainly original research papers, but we are also interested in book reviews and case studies. Submission of a manuscript implies that it has not been published previously; it is not under consideration for publication in another journal; the submitted manuscript has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities of the institute where the work has been carried out. The publisher will not be legally responsible in case of claims for compensation.

Each article will be examined by two experts in the field following a double-blind peer review process (and preserving the anonymity of the authors and reviewers). The review process is as follows:

Initial review

The editor-in-chief evaluates each manuscript to determine whether its topic and content are suitable for consideration by Acta Hispanica.

Peer review

Each manuscript is reviewed by independent evaluators selected from among internationally recognised experts in the field. If the decisions of the reviewers do not coincide, the article is sent to a third reviewer. The criteria/aspects of the evaluation include the relevance of the subject matter, originality and novelty of the content, scientific and methodological rigour, argumentative ability, coherence of the text, clarity of exposition, writing and style, citations in accordance with editorial standards, relevance and adequacy of the bibliography, and conclusions.


Based on the comments of the reviewers, the editor-in-chief makes the final decision:

- accept the submission,

- minor revisions are required,

- major revisions are required,

- decline the submission.

The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the quality and selection of manuscripts chosen for publication, and the authors are always responsible for the content of the article and the accuracy of the references.

To submit an article, you should register on the platform of the journal. 

Deadline for submitting articles: May 31, each year. (In 2023 the deadline is March 31 and written versions of the papers presented at the One Ocean. Distintos destinos 1492-1522-2022 International Conference, held on 18-19 November 2022 are expected to be submitted.

1. General guidelines

Articles should be submitted through the journal’s OJS platform.

It is important to follow the formal requirements listed below. The Editorial Board may decide not to submit for evaluation those proposals that do not meet these requirements.

In the Authors' Section please indicate your ORCID Identification Number, your institution/ research center, your country of origin and also send your short biography.

The maximum length of the paper is 30,000 characters with spaces but without abstracts, notes, and bibliographical references.

The essays should all be in Word format.

Chicago style is used for notes and bibliographical references.

2. How to edit authors' data

When entering metadata while you submit a manuscript (Enter metadata), the author's name appears in the List of Contributors block. By clicking on the blue arrow before his/her name, the Edit option appears. This way a form opens where the author can edit his/her metadata (if he/she has already provided this information during registration, his/her data will automatically appear here, but he/she can update or change them if they are not correct).

In this form you can enter the required data such as ORCID ID and Affiliation, and you can also provide additional biographical information (Bio Statement), but please note that this will automatically appear on the web page where your article will be published. We ask you not to enter anything in the Preferred Public Name field.

Co-authors can also be added to the metadata in the same block by clicking on Add Contributor. The same information is required here as for your own name (ORCID ID and Affiliation).

3. Format 

  • 11 pt Garamond fonts should be used for the main body of the text.
  • Line-spacing: 1, with alignment set justified, indenting the first lines of the paragraphs (1.25 cm).
  • 10 pt fonts should be used for footnotes.
  • Margins of the text: 3 cm
  • Pages should not be numbered.

The first page 

Title: centred, without full stop.

Name and surnames: centred.

Institution, city, country: centred.

Two empty lines.

Abstract: in English, Garamond 10 pt fonts. The word “Abstract” in bold

Abstract: Xxxxxx.

Keywords: five in English, the first letter of each word with uppercase letter (10 pt). The word “Keywords” in bold.

Keywords: Xxx, Xxx, Xxx, Xxx, Xxx, Xxx.

Two empty lines.

4. Sections and sub-sections

- Single spacing should be used between paragraphs and double spacing between each section/sub-section.

- The numbering of the sections and subsections should begin with 1 (never with 0).

- Sub-sections should follow the numbering “1.1.”, “1.1.1.” etc.

- Authors are requested not to use automatic numbering.

- Section titles: left-justified, fonts should be bold, written in lowercase letters, without indenting the first line and without a full stop. Any empty line should be left after the title of the sections/sub-sections.

5. Footnotes

- Try to reduce the number of footnotes.

- Notes should be footnotes (Garamond 10 pt)

- The number indicating the footnote goes before the punctuation marks (comma, semicolon, period, colon), but after quotation marks and parentheses. 


xxxxx1.             xxxxx1,             xxxxx1;             xxxxx1:

“xxxxx”2.          “xxxxx” (Machado 1987: 4)3.

 Citation and references: according to Chicago style


6. Quotations

- Quotations longer than three lines should be organized into block quotes (indenting 2 cm from left and right) and should be set to 10pt; should be single-spaced, with alignment set justified, without indenting the first lines of the paragraphs, without comma and italics. 

- An empty line should be left before and after the quotations.

- In the body of the text shorter quotes will be quoted with quotation marks. Example: “…”.

- The omission of text within a quotation should be indicated by three points in brackets: [...].

- Quotations within quotations should be in italics.

- The list of references should only include works cited in the text and which have been published or accepted for publication.

7. References in the text

Book / book chapter / article / conference paper:

Work with one author

(Valbuena 1994, 32-33).

 Work with two or three authors

(Valbuena and Santos 1996, 14), (Valbuena, Santos and Pérez 1999, 8).

 Work with more authors

(Valbuena et al. 1999, 23).

 In case the author is mentioned in the text

Como afirma Valbuena (1994, 32-33).

 Referring to the entire work of an author

(Valbuena 1994).

 Citing various authors or works

(Marcos 1994, 32; Marcos – Satorre y Viejo 1998, 45).

 Citing two or more works by the same author in the same year

(Pedraza Jiménez 2005a, 10).

 Source with no date

(Sánchez n.d.)

 Website content

(Universidad de Granada, n.d.)

 Social media content

(Chaves Robles 2023)

 News or magazine article without an author

(“Las calles que cambiarán…” 2017)

 Archival document: the reference should include the author's last name or the title of the document and the year

(Zulen 1911)


(Otrębski 2015)

8. Bibliographical references at the end of the article:

At the end of the article two lines will be left blank before Bibliographical references (Garamond, bold, 11 pt) with another blank line left after it.

Bibliographical references should be arranged alphabetically and then chronologically in descending order and should contain exclusively the works cited in the text.

If several works by the same author are cited, surnames and first names must be indicated in all cases. They cannot be replaced by hyphens.

If there were more than one publication of the same author in the same year, they should be distinguished by letters, following the alphabetical order. This order must be respected both in the in-text references and in the Bibliographical references section. Example: (2001a), (2001b), (2001c).

If the bibliographical reference has DOI (Digital Object Identifier), it must be indicated at the end of the reference.

Formatting requirements:


Delibes, Miguel. 1966. Cinco horas con Mario. Barcelona: Destino.

 Book with two or three authors

Llorente, Mariano y Ripoll, Laila. 2014. El triángulo azul. Madrid: INAEM.

 Book with more authors

Domínguez Monedero, Adolfo, Domingo Plácido Suárez, Javier Gómez Espelosín and Fernando Gascó de la Calle. 1999. Historia del mundo clásico a través de sus textos: Grecia. Madrid: Alianza.

 Chapter of an edited book

Berta, Tibor. 2006. “Sobre la proporción de la promoción de clíticos en construcciones de infinitivo medievales y preclásicos.” In Actas del VI Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española, edited by José Jesús de Bustos Tovar y José Luis Girón, 501-511. Madrid/Alcalá de Henares (2003), 1. vol. Madrid: Arco/Libros.

 Journal article

Berta, Tibor. 2022. “El español en el sistema educativo húngaro a principios del tercer milenio.” Acta Hispanica, 27. 79-101.

 Online article

Musa, Arnaldo. 2008. “Calificó Presidente de Guinea Ecuatorial de positiva visita realizada a Cuba.” Granma online.

 News or magazine article

Montes, Rocío. 2023. “Tensión entre Perú y Chile por las críticas de Gabriel Boric a “los atropellos” contra los manifestantes.” El País, January 26, 2023.

 Journal article without author

“Las calles que cambiarán de nombre en Madrid.” El País (Spain), April 28, 2017.

 Archival documents

Zulen, Pedro S. 1911. Correspondence of the Asociación Pro-Indígena. [letter] National Library of Perú, Pedro Zulen Archive, 2nd folder, 85.31 CAI426. Lima.

 Website content

University of Granada. 2023. “Presentada la exposición ‘Azucarera San Isidro. Una historia con futuro’.” Accessed January 27, 2023.

Social media content

Chaves Robles, Rodrigo (@rodrigochavesrobles). 2023. “Resumen. Conferencia 25 de enero”. Instagram photo, January 26, 2023.


Otrębski, Andrzej. Buenos Aires – Teatro Colón. 2015. Photograph. Wikimedia Commons,

9. Other recommendations

  • The dash must appear attached to the word, without space.

Example: xxxxxxx –xxxxxxxxxxxxxx– xxxxxxxxxxxxx.

  • Numbers are joined by a hyphen.

Example: 1839-1843, 5-12.

  • Numbers indicating centuries are written in Arabic numerals without a full stop.

Example: the 13th century

  • If you wish to include drawings, graphics or images in the text, they should be sent in a separate file indicating their place in the text. The image must have a resolution of 300 dpi. Information about the source of each image must be provided; the author –unless he/she is the creator of the image– must obtain copyright permission for each image. Image title centred on the page (Garamond 10). A blank line is left before and after (the title of the) images.
  • Table texts in Garamond font size 10. Table titles centred on the page (Garamond 10). A blank line is left before and after the (title of the) tables. Tables should not go beyond the margins.
  • Italics are used for punctuation marks (brackets, etc.) associated with italicised text.
  • Bold type should be used only in the heading and in the headings of the article (titles or subtitles).