The Prosody of the Prenuclear Part in European and Latin-American Dialects of Spanish

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Kata Baditzné Pálvölgyi


In the present work we focus on the prosodic features of the prenuclear section in three dialects of Spanish: Northern Castilian, Southern Castilian and Porteño. We specifically analyze the position and prosodic prominence of the first peak of 100 spontaneous declarative utterances of each variety, to check (1) whether the 'suspension bridge' structure described for the declarative melody is characteristic in each of the dialects (Bolinger, 1961), with rising melody from the utterance-initial syllable to the first peak, and (2) to see if the first melodic peaks are accompanied by another salient prosodic feature(s). For such research we use the triphasic analysis protocol of Cantero (2019), in which the values ​​of tone, intensity and duration are standardized to get rid of the inter-individual characteristics of the informants. According to the results, in spontaneous speech the structure of the 'suspension bridge' is less typical, and the first peak rarely coincides with the first stressed syllable of the utterance. The porteño is the variety characterized by the greatest melodic movements towards the first peak, while the longest duration is associated with it in the southern dialect of European Spanish.


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How to Cite
Baditzné Pálvölgyi, K. (2022). The Prosody of the Prenuclear Part in European and Latin-American Dialects of Spanish. Acta Hispanica, 27, 25–39.
Linguistics/Spanish Language Teaching
Author Biography

Kata Baditzné Pálvölgyi, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Doctora en Lingüística Neolatina. Actualmente trabaja en el Departamento de Filología Hispánica, Facultad de Letras de la Universidad Eötvös Loránd (ELTE) de Budapest, donde es responsable del módulo de formación de profesores de E/LE. Su tema de investigación es la entonación, en 2012 defendió su tesis doctoral sobre la entonación española de los alumnos húngaros y actualmente participa en proyectos en el campo de la entonación con un grupo de investigadores de la Universitat de Barcelona. Es autora y coautora de libros y artículos relacionados con la entonación y la didáctica del español como lengua extranjera y cofundadora del grupo de investigación TALES (Taller de Lingüística Española) en su centro. Desde 2018 también imparte clases en la Universidad Nacional de Servicio Público de Budapest.


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