Cuban Poetry Translated by Joseph Brodsky

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Daria Sinitcyna


The case of Joseph Brodsky (1940-1996), Nobel Prize for literature, is an example of the destiny of a poet in the Soviet universe. He shared with other censored authors the inability to express themselves freely through poetry and, like B. Pasternak, O. Mandelshtam, M. Tsvetaeva and many more, used poetic translation throughout the 60s as a resource to survive but also as an escape valve for literary creation. He translated English, American, Polish, Yugoslavian, Spanish, Argentinian and, in two cases, Cuban authors. The Russian versions of poems by Pablo Armando Fernández, Virgilio Piñera, Eugenio Florit and Ángel Augier by Brodsky are known. The analysis of these translations involves the study of the balance between the requirements of the historical moment, the choice of the texts to be translated, the presence of the mediating text (podstrochnik) and the relevance of the resulting text for the recipient culture and reveals several important aspects of both the work of Joseph Brodsky as of the realities of writing and translation in the socialist era.


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How to Cite
Sinitcyna, D. (2020). Cuban Poetry Translated by Joseph Brodsky. Acta Hispanica, (II), 587–598.
Author Biography

Daria Sinitcyna, Saint Petersburg State University

Daria Sinitcyna es profesora del departamento de Filología Románica de la Universidad Estatal de San Petersburgo (desde 2003) y de la Escuela Superior de Traducción e Interpretación de San Petersburgo (desde 2016). En 2011 obtuvo el título de doctora en filología por la tesis dedicada a la obra de Guillermo Cabrera Infante. También trabaja como traductora literaria. Ha publicado traducciones de los textos de Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Reinaldo Arenas, Eliseo Alberto, Hernán Rivera Letelier, Gabriel García Márquez, Miguel Delibes, Rosalía de Castro y otros autores. Áreas de investigación: narrativa cubana, contacto cultural cubano-soviético, traducción literaria, historia de la escuela soviética de traducción.


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