Crafts and Local Economic Development Case of Study. Wixárica Community, Tepic, Nayarit (Mexico)
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The objective of this research focused on characterizing the wixárica ethnic group residing in the city of Tepic, Nayarit state in Mexico and analyzing how the community and its artisanal production influence local economic development. The study is approached from an economic, sociocultural and political administrative perspective. The ethnographic approach is necessary for the purpose of the research, using a quantitative and qualitative methodologies. For the collection of data, semi-structured and in-depth interviews were developed, in addition, participatory observation techniques were applied. The orientation of the research is based on critical theory, regarding its contextual realities, taking into account its history, artisanal tradition, policies and social customs to conclude that indigenous groups are in a state of vulnerability from local and national governments, and that it is difficult for them to integrate into business and marketing dynamics. Traditional craftsmanship is an occupation that has no strength at the time of economic analysis, however its contributions in the field of culture are recognized.
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