Accompaniment Located as a Pedagogical Strategy to Strengthen Teacher Training

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Martha Ligia Herrera Valdés
Andres Antonio Alarcon Lora


This paper is attached to the research group RUECA, from the line of research "Training and Development of Teachers" articulated with the research project: Comparative Study of Educational Training of Initial Education –Central Region 2018– Peru and Infant Education in Colombia, the which gives an account of the teacher training experience from the situated accompaniment strategy that has been gaining importance within the Educational policy in Colombia that proposes and carries out an integrating approach focused on the improvement of the educational practice and of the students' learning.

In Colombia this strategy has been implemented from different areas of teacher training (Masters in Education, Diploma of pedagogical training, Program All to Learn, among others), to respond to the challenges facing the teacher of Early Childhood Education such as: attention to heterogeneous groups, the differences of cultural and social groups, new technologies, etc., which requires of the teacher a constant formation that motivates him to transform and renew his practice.


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How to Cite
BELLO GUERRERO, A., Herrera Valdés, M. L., & Alarcon Lora, A. A. (2020). Accompaniment Located as a Pedagogical Strategy to Strengthen Teacher Training. Acta Hispanica, (II), 829–834.
Author Biographies

ALEJANDRA BELLO GUERRERO, University of Cartagena, Colombia

Profesional en Lingüística y Literatura. Especialista en Gerencia Educativa con énfasis en elaboración de Proyectos. Magíster en Educación. Docente Universidad de Cartagena, Jefe de departamento de Humanidades, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas Universidad de Cartagena

Investigadora Grupo de Investigación Red Universitaria Evaluación de la Calidad -RUECA- Capitulo Colombia, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia

Martha Ligia Herrera Valdés, District Education Secretary of Cartagena, Colombia

Docente Normalista Superior. Licenciada en Ciencias Religiosas y Filosofía. Magister en Educación. Docente de acompañamiento in situ del Programa Todos a Aprender del Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia. Investigadora Grupo de Investigación Red Universitaria Evaluación de la Calidad -RUECA- Capitulo Colombia- Universidad de Cartagena

Andres Antonio Alarcon Lora, University of Cartagena, Colombia

Docente  Titular de tiempo completo Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia. Abogado, Magister en Derecho Económico, Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación. Jefe de Posgrados en Educación Continua de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia. Grupo de investigacion Red Universitaria Evaluacion de la Calidad –RUECA-Capitulo Colombia-Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia


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Becas para la excelencia docente. Icetex. 2019. Asequible en: dnnpro5/es-co/cr%C3%A9ditoeducativo/posgrado/excelenciadocente.aspx fecha de consulta: 01-05-2019.

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MEN (2018). Informe al Congreso de la República l 2016–2017. Bogotá: Ministerio de educación nacional de Colombia.

Ministerio de Educación (2014). Acompañamiento pedagógico. Lima: Ministerio de educación del Perú.

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