The Right to the Environment. Advisory Opinion of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights Feasibility of Application to the PORTA HNOS Case

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Esther Susana Borgarello
Carlos Alfredo Juárez Centeno


In Article 41 of the National Constitution, the right to the environment expressly contemplates: “The authorities shall provide for the protection of this right, for the rational use of natural resources, for the preservation of natural and cultural heritage and for diversity, biological, and environmental information and education”. Legislation –answer to it– is dictated at national and provincial level In February 2018, a fact of importance in the matter is the advisory opinion OC-23/17 of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) on “Environment and Rights Humans” issued in San José, Costa Rica, based on the application of Article 11 of the Protocol of San Salvador –which contains economic, social and cultural rights– and Article 26 of the American Convention. In it, the IACHR recognized ‘‘the undeniable relationship between the protection of the environment and the realization of other human rights’’. The Court maintains the undeniable relationship of interdependence and indivisibility that exists between human rights, the environment and sustainable development. Hopefully, the VUDAS vs. Porta Hnos ruling will consider the constitutional, legal and Advisory Opinion of the IACHR. The Porta Hnos. firm is a company dedicated to the production of alcohol and derivatives, which has its plant located in Av. Valparaíso in the city of Córdoba and next to the San Antonio, San Antonio Park, Inaudi and Inaudi Annex districts. This company produces 100,000 liters of agro-fuels –bioethanol– per day, causing serious health problems in the said population, thus affecting the environment and affecting the health of its inhabitants. The neighbors grouped in the organization called VUDAS have initiated legal actions before the root justice of the inactivity of the municipal, provincial and national authorities despite the compelling claims.


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How to Cite
Borgarello, E. S., & Juárez Centeno, C. A. (2020). The Right to the Environment. Advisory Opinion of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Feasibility of Application to the PORTA HNOS Case. Acta Hispanica, (II), 435–446.
Author Biographies

Esther Susana Borgarello, National University of Córdoba - University Blas Pascal

Es prosecretaria de Posgrado en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba,  titular de Derecho de la Información en la UNC,  Investigadora científica Cat. 1 Doctora en Derecho.

Carlos Alfredo Juárez Centeno, National University of Córdoba, Argentina

Abogado y Especialista en Ciencia Política y Derecho Constitucional. Especialista en Derechos Humanos y Diplomado en Altos Estudios Internacionales. Realizó estudios de doctorado en Derecho en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Actualmente, es Coordinador del Área de Estudios Internacionales del Centro de Estudios Avanzados (Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba), y director de la Maestría en Relaciones Internacionales y del programa de investigación Relaciones internacionales, derechos humanos e historia: evolución y retos actuales, radicados también en dicha institución. Es Profesor Titular concursado en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, tanto en la Facultad de Derecho como en la de Ciencias Sociales; Investigador categoría 1 en el Programa de la SPU del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación y vicepresidente del Consejo Federal de Estudios Internacionales. En su vasto trayecto de investigación, la problemática de los derechos humanos y el derecho internacional han sido su materia de indagación, enclave sobre el cual da cuenta en cursos de posgrado nacionales e internacionales, como también en publicaciones especializadas y eventos científicos en todo el mundo.


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