The Idea of Development in Economic Thought: a Perspective from the Latin American Classrooms

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Carlos Riojas López


Supported on my teaching experience focused on the concept of development in undergraduate and postgraduate courses, the objective of my contribution lies in proposing a reflection about the construction of this concept with the aim of trying to understand its basic postulates and arguments that explain the consolidation of diverse paradigms. Although these interpretations, that we taught as "theories", which apparently represent a series of formalizations of universal character, we realize underlying components that suggest a westernization of the concept. These common elements have motivated us to think about the idea of development more than in "theories".


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How to Cite
Riojas López, C. (2019). The Idea of Development in Economic Thought: a Perspective from the Latin American Classrooms. Acta Hispanica, 24, 115–122.
Author Biography

Carlos Riojas López, University of Guadalajara

Carlos RIojas López, doctor en Socio-economía del desarrollo en la Escuela de Estudios Superiores en Ciencias Sociales (EHESS) París, Francia. Profesor Investigador Titular “C” y Jefe del Departamento de Estudios Económicos e Internacionales, del Centro Universitario de la Ciénega en la Universidad de Guadalajara. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores desde el 1º de Julio de 2000 a la fecha Nivel II. Tiene más de 98 publicaciones entre ellos libros, artículos científicos internacionales y nacionales, capítulos de libro y reseñas.

Received 2019-07-10
Accepted 2019-10-04
Published 2019-12-15


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