Sources for the Comparative History of Portugal and Spain: an Approach

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Inmaculada Cordero Olivero
Encarnación Lemus López


With an essentially methodological interest, the article surveys the main Spanish, Portuguese and international sources of archives for the study of the processes of modernization and political change of the Iberian Peninsula. It comments especially those that are most useful for investigations on secrecy and political opposition, as well as those that are the most appropriate to deal with in relation to the intervention of France, the USA and other powers in Iberian transitions and, particularly, in the Spanish and Portuguese decolonization processes.


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How to Cite
Carrillo-Linares, A., Cordero Olivero, I., & Lemus López, E. (2018). Sources for the Comparative History of Portugal and Spain: an Approach. Acta Hispanica, (I), 9–30.
Author Biographies

Alberto Carrillo-Linares

Alberto Carrillo-Linares is doctor by the University of Seville (Extraordinary Doctorate Award) with the thesis Subversivos y malditos at the University of Seville (1965-1977). He has focused his research on the history of social movements against the Francoist dictatorship and its relations with Portugal, a topic on which he has published some articles: “Against the New State and the New State: the anti-fascist Iberian student movement” (with Miguel Cardina), “Between the symbolic universe and the real world: clandestine contacts and receptions of the Spanish-Portuguese extreme left around April 25” or “Socialist relations under the Iberian dictatorships (1950-1975)”, etc. He has done research in several international centers (Holland, Italy, Portugal, United States, France) and published in journals such as Ayer, Historia Social, Pasado y Memoria, Hispania, etc. Currently he directs as IP the research project Orthodoxies and Rebellions. The Plurality of Interests in the Peninsular Convergence towards Europe (1961-1986) (ORYRE), financed by the Government of Spain and the European Union.

Inmaculada Cordero Olivero

Inmaculada Cordero Olivero is Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Seville. She has focused her research on the Spanish Republican exile of 1939: The refugees and Spain (Huelva, 1998) and The mirror unearthed, (Seville, Guadalajara, 2005). The present study is part of a project on the Iberian Transitions and the democratizations of Portugal within the framework of this theme, she has published: "What should not be: The Portuguese transition in the Spanish press" in The end of the Iberian dictatorship (Seville, Lisbon, 2011), “France and the Portuguese decolonization (1971-74) "in  Historia del Presente, no. 28, 2016, and with Encarnación Lemus López, “The conflict of the Sahara ... “ in Ayer, , no. 99, 2015.

Encarnación Lemus López

Encarnación Lemus López is Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Huelva. She has been a visiting professor at the universities of Santiago and Playa Ancha in Valparaíso, Chile and at the University of Puerto Rico, Denis-Diderot Paris 7 and the University of Michigan, as well as a researcher at the Institute of the Present Time in Paris. She has been Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of Huelva and University Advocate. She has been Vice President of the CEHRIC and Historians of the Present. In relation to Foreign Policy, she is the author of: The US and the Spanish transition. From the Revolution of the Claveles to the Green March, Madrid: Sílex, 2011. The Spanish exit from the Sahara is a new theme detached from that previous research and she has published: Inmaculada CORDERO OLIVERO – Encarnación LEMUS LÓPEZ: “La question of the Sahara: a view from the Quai d'Orsay “, in Ayer, no. 99 (3), Madrid: Association of Contemporary History, 2015, pp. 123-148. In relation to Historical Memory published the book Prison of Love, Seville, El Monte Foundation, 2005, in addition to various scientific articles.
Sge has receuved the Award of the Federation of Progressive Women from the Valencian Community in 2008.