Az Atlantica Tengerhajózási RT. története (1907–1918) THE HISTORY OF THE ATLANTICA SEA NAVIGATION LTD. BETWEEN 1907–1918

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Márton Pelles


The Budapest-based Atlantica Sea Navigation Ltd.was the largest free shipping company in Hungary in the early 20th century. After its establishment in 1907, the company linked two endpoints of the Hungarian export to the sea, Fiume and the ports of the Lower-Danube, with many parts of the world from South America through European ports to the Far East. The company, with its own and time-chartered steamers, has consistently sought to maintain domestic routes with the help of special Hungarian state aids. Based on my research in the Rijeka State Archives (Državni Arhiv u Rijeci) and the Hungarian National Archives, I have the opportunity to present the company's operations, ship and cargo turnover and business results in the years of peace between 1907 and 1914, including the first World War. I hope with this paper I could strengthen our knowledge in this scientific field (Business Maritime History).

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Hogyan kell idézni
Pelles, Márton. 2020. „Az Atlantica Tengerhajózási RT. Története (1907–1918): THE HISTORY OF THE ATLANTICA SEA NAVIGATION LTD. BETWEEN 1907–1918”. Köztes-Európa 11 (1.):35-48.