The European Union’s eastern expansion regarding Georgia = Az Európai Unió keleti bővítése Grúzia szempontjából
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This paper evaluates the economic aspects of the EU’s eastern expansion and the political factor that drives the European Union to accelerate the enlargement process. The paper will cover the modern geopolitical dilemma of the EU, Russia and the Caucasus region regarding Georgia: Georgia at the crossroads between Europe and Russia and their political-economic game for gaining trust; the EU’s political-economic interests will be analyzed in three different dimensions: Energy diversification, new Silk Road and ensuring eastern border security from terrorism. This work gives a broad, panoramic view of the EU’s geopolitical game through which developing countries like Georgia are going to suffer due to accelerated political events.
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Hogyan kell idézni
Belkania, Davit. 2018. „The European Union’s Eastern Expansion Regarding Georgia = Az Európai Unió Keleti bővítése Grúzia szempontjából”. Köztes-Európa 10 (1):43-50.
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