Védett helyiségek biztonságának szempontjai

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Gábor Bréda


In today’s informational society the protection of data and information is of great importance. There are adequate and safe solutions from the aspect of the protection of recorded information. Nonetheless, upon closer inspection, areas where data of economic value is spoken out loud, the protection against information leak cannot be considered sure in all cases. The organization of the protection of spoken information is closely linked to the establishment of the physical environment’s protection. It is necessary to define the notion of a protected area from the perspective of the subject. In the public sector data assets and information are protected with the help of legal provisions, on the other hand, in the pure private sector it depends mostly on the personal skills and fiscal opportunities of data administrators. Renowned manufacturers are working out protection solutions in IT environments that later appear in regulatory environments. But other widely known ways of acquiring information and the protection against them is not very much spoken of. This paper wishes to provide an explanation about the interpretation data and information, and then it adumbrates the theoretical approach to classic, open-source intelligence solutions. Upon choosing the technical guideline, the article uses an own grouping to negotiate the relevant basic parameters of independent technical hardware that appeared with the presence of internet open market.

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How to Cite
Bréda, Gábor. 2016. “Védett helyiségek biztonságának Szempontjai”. Köztes-Európa 8 (1-2):157-67. https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/vikekke/article/view/12716.