Az égetettszesz-ipar fejlődése hazánkban

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Kinga Sebestyén


The history of mankind has a deep connection with alcohol. This is also true about the hungarian culture. The discovery of the roots of pálinka is associated with the wife of Charles Robert (1332: „aqua vita”, the water of life). The studies dealing with the sector of pálinka have been overshadowed since the enactment of Act LXXIII. of 2008. ( Act on pálinka). The socialist large-scale indusrty did a so-called „professional destruction” concerning the pálinka till the adoption of the aforementioned Act. Namely they were mass-producing low-quality, easy to sell, commerce spirits. They were using a method, where they simply flavored the grain alcohol with aromas, with this they indirectly hurt the reputation and the recognition of pálinka. Furthermore there was a lack of expertise around this time and the used technology became outdated. The drop in the interests of the experts were probably the result of two reasons: the powerful presence of the black market economy and the lack of transparency. The two reasons are partly connected, the experts only have speculations about the power and the size of the black market economy, because data about these problems are difficult to find. The main focus of my study is the world of commercial pálinka distilleries, especially the unique regional aspects of the sector of pálinka. I had to realise, that I have to know the past of the distilled spirits industry, otherwise I will not be able to see through all the present trends and processes in connection with pálinka and make plans for the future. This study is about the history of the distilled spirits industry and in regards to the time horizon it includes the period starting from the first appearance till the change of regime in 1989.

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How to Cite
Sebestyén, Kinga. 2016. “Az égetettszesz-Ipar fejlődése hazánkban”. Köztes-Európa 8 (1-2):137-44.