Nagyvárosi kormányzás és gazdaságfejlesztés a Rhein-Neckar nagyvárosi régió példáján

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Dávid Fekete


Nowadays one of the most important topics of the EU regional policy is the strengthening of metropolitan regions. Economic, cultural and scientific effects of metropolitan regions are very important in Europe. Metropolises are excellent places for economic growth, development and new innovations and in these areas live 67% of EU’s inhabitants. There are many serious problems in Europe such as unemployment, climate change, demographic problems etc., which could be answered by supporting the development of metropolitan areas. In this study we analyse the model of the Rhein-Neckar metropolitan region. After introducing the topic, in the first part of the study we are focusing on the institutional framework of the region and its connections to the most important areas of cooperation. In the second part the activity of the Rhein-Neckar region is observed in the field of economy development. The aim of the article is to present the best practice of the Rhein-Neckar metropolitan region as a developing metropolitan area of South-Germany.

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How to Cite
Fekete, Dávid. 2014. “Nagyvárosi kormányzás és gazdaságfejlesztés a Rhein-Neckar nagyvárosi régió példáján”. Köztes-Európa 6 (1):91-98.