For Authors
Submissions: Manuscripts should follow the eJournal’s Style Manual and include written assurance that the manuscript has been submitted exclusively to TNTeF (download from HERE). Electronic submissions should be in MS Word format (5000-7000 words in lenght). Images, if any, should be sent separately in jpg, gif, or png format and their place should be indicated in the text, e.g. (image 1). Authors should also include an e-mail address for contact purposes and send the paper to the editor.
Style: See specific guidelines (in Hungarian) HERE.
Book Review Policies and Guidelines: We intend to include reviews of scholarly books and/or special issues of academic journals recently published in the fields of or from the perspectives of feminism(s), gender and sexuality studies in Hungarian as well as publications on Hungarian practices in other languages in each issue (3-5 reviews). The reviews may be solicited by the book review editor or, alternatively, individuals interested in reviewing a book/special issue may contact the book review editor (open deadline). The guidelines for the review’s formal requirements are provided in the journal’s style sheet (see above).
The submission deadline of the reviews for the spring issue is 30 January whereas for the autumn issue is 30 August.
All reviews should be submitted to the book review editor, Andrea Tóth, by email.