The Memorial Background of a Fraternal War

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Ágnes Huszár


At the Victory Day celebration held on May 9th, 2022, which was also broadcast by television, Vladimir Putin called the military operation going on in Ukraine at present a ‘patriotic war’ (oтечественная вoйнa). It might have been a ‘slip of the tongue’ made in the emotionally heightened state of the commemoration, but even so, he put the ‘special military operation’ into the great national narrative of Russia. The military operation launched for the purpose of empire building and punishing Ukraine wanting to be disconnected from dictatorial Russia has led to brutal devastation. The military assistance of NATO member countries as well as the keeping a distance of until then allied Caucasian and Central Asiatic countries make Putin’s victory increasingly doubtful. Not even the mendacious Russian war propaganda can cover reality.

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How to Cite
Huszár, Ágnes. 2023. “The Memorial Background of a Fraternal War”. Interdisciplinary EJournal of Gender Studies 13 (1):43-59.
Author Biography

Ágnes Huszár, ELTE

Huszár, Ágnes is a linguist and teaches courses in language and gender, and sociolinguistics in the doctoral school at the University of Pécs and Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. Her recent book-length publications include Bevezetés a gendernyelvészetbe. [Introduction to Language and Gender]  2009. Budapest: Tinta., A nő terei ['Women's Space']. 2011Budapest: L'Harmattan. Her articles include „Nationalism and Hungarian Education Policy: Are the Literary Works of Cécile Tormay, József Nyirő, and Albert Wass Appropriate for the Hungarian School Curriculum?” 2014/7 and „A megvetés mint politikai eszköz.” [Loathing as policy instrument] Élet és Irodalom, 2022. március 18.