Connections between discursive practice and marital power in published source material of Middle-Hungarian manorial trial documents

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Zsuzsanna Havasi


The aim of this article is to analyse trial documents from manor courts, where a married couple can be identified as defendant or plaintiff. On the one hand, Middle-Hungarian (in a historical linguistical sense) discursive practice is presented, and,  on the other hand, it is also explored how a twentieth-century editor does or does not reflect in his summary and in his notes on the social practice mirroring in the discursive practice, the role of wives. The analysis is supplemented by a questionnaire, which informs about understanding historical texts today – how readers can identify the role of husbands and wives by relying only on the Middle-Hungarian trial documents and how they do this if their comprehension can be controlled by the commentary from the twentieth century.

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How to Cite
Havasi, Zsuzsanna. 2023. “Connections Between Discursive Practice and Marital Power in Published Source Material of Middle-Hungarian Manorial Trial Documents”. Interdisciplinary EJournal of Gender Studies 12 (2):150-73.
Student Articles
Author Biography

Zsuzsanna Havasi, Eötvös Loránd University

Havasi, Zsuzsanna obtained a teacher’s degree in Hungarian and in Hungarian as a Foreign language in 2019 at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. Currently she is a PhD student specialising in historical linguistics in the Hungarian Linguistics Doctoral Programme at ELTE, where she has also been teaching Hungarian as a foreign language since 2018. Her dissertation is about historical change in courtroom discourses, with a focus on the relationship between legal language use and power. E-mail: